- Fløyen can now reach everyone at once.

Ingrid Norheim is the marketing coordinator at Fløyen. The company is involved in various activities, including the daily operation of the Fløibanen funicular, restaurants and cafes, events, and activities. 'We offer incredibly diverse options. With Nurofy's solutions, we spend much less time advertising in multiple online newspapers and can quickly reach new audiences in the newspapers we choose,' says Norheim.

Fløyen has been collaborating with the technology company Nurofy for a few months now, actively using Nurofy's platform to disseminate information about their events, products, and activities for children and adults.

'We can tailor our campaigns as needed, as things are constantly changing here! It's great to have access to the ad system ourselves and have better control over it,' says Norheim.

No Limitations

Ingrid Norheim has been working at Fløyen for about two years now. During the renovation of Fløibanen, she was stationed at GC Rieber Eiendom as a marketing coordinator.

It was there that she first became acquainted with Nurofy and their marketing platform.

'I arranged a meeting with Nurofy through GC Rieber, and I saw a great potential for the platform for Fløyen as a business. We have a large target audience to reach, both in Bergen and the surrounding areas, and here we got a comprehensive system that provided an overview and more control,' says Norheim.

'It's easy and intuitive to understand, and I save a lot of time on ad setup and adjusting and resizing ads. Many other platforms often have limitations on image and video resolution, but there are no limitations with Nurofy,' she says enthusiastically.

A Good Tool

Fløyen has noticed that it has become easier to reach more people.

'We can now use online newspapers we haven't tried before, and in this way, we can reach new target audiences. Our goal is for Fløyen to be for everyone, and now we can get our message out to a large audience in a short time,' says Norheim.

'If I want to publish something on a Monday morning, I can do it myself. I don't have to depend on others to make it happen!'

Norheim also appreciates that she can change dates and budgets as she wishes, and that she can select the online newspapers she wants when Fløyen is launching a new campaign.

'I'm the only one handling the marketing through Nurofy, and it's good to have a lot of control and be independent. It's also easy to get answers from Nurofy if I have questions. They're very responsive!'

More marketing to come

If you had to choose three things that stand out about Nurofy, what would they be?

'You save time, you quickly reach multiple channels in a single system, and it's great that there are no limitations on image and video materials,' says Norheim.

'Nurofy is constantly evolving, but it's always easy to access and get the information I need.'

Norheim says that Fløyen's trial period with Nurofy quickly convinced them, and it has worked very well for them so far.

"The ability to reach many people in a short time is positive. For example, we will soon have a year-long renovation of our restaurant. We'll have a lot to market around this, both during the construction and when we're done. In that case, Nurofy is a great tool," she concludes.


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